It's very simple. Here's How.

Step 1 - Create your account

Enter your name, email, phone number to register. And follow the instructions for verification with One Time Password (OTP). You can also register with your existing Google & LinkedIn account. (Coming Soon..)

Step 2 - Create your profile

Create your profile providing as much information as you can. A complete profile showcases you best and features in all relevant interactions on the platform.

Step 3 - Offer services and content via the modules

Click on the various modules to know more and offer your services and content to customers through these channels.

Go to Homepage Create Account Now

Subscription fee

While you can engage and explore much of the platform for free, paying a subscription fee ensures that you get to enjoy and utilise the platform to its fullest. You can choose from the plans available and opt to pay during sign-up or later. Currently, though, there is no subscription fee to be paid and this will come into effect at a later date.